Alone Together

When I am all by myself, all alone

I just do not think that I can do much

My loneliness is like a lost statue in stone

I feel useless and have no purpose as such

But when I was with you, when I was around you

I suddenly felt different in a strange, nice way

I felt odd, bizarre, peculiar, and freshly anew

Instead of feeling inadequate and gray

When I was alone, I felt weak and unheard

I felt like I was greatly misunderstood

But with you, I feel strong and no longer absurd

I felt like I could not do a lot until you showed me I should

When we are alone together, we are great

We can withstand anything, even against the ends of time

We can do so much and be so much, we have a fate

A fate of so much good, when everything is prime

Alone, I do not stand much at all

Alone together, I feel like we can arise ever so greatly and stand tall

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