A Hike and a Confession

The hot sun blazed down on us as we put our feet forward with each step. The brown dirt beneath our feet didn’t compare to the orange red rock of the landscape towering over us.

We were in the thick of it. Rock behind and before us. The path was curving ahead to something unknown.

I didn’t know this path we were on, much like I didn’t know my own life.

I spotted a hawk circling high above. Robert broke the silence.

“Isn’t this a gorgeous spot? We’ve never been here before. We should have done this a long time ago.”

Strangely, the excitement in his voice made me feel heavy.

“It is quite beautiful.”

“The path is so scenic. This is our best hike, yet!” I could feel his gaze fall on me as we hiked the flat terrain side by side.

“What’s troubling you, Sophie? You don’t seem happy to be here. It’s like you’re somewhere else.”

The dirt and rocks schurned rhythmically beneath our feet as we walked along. It felt like all the red and orange from the high bluffs fell upon me crushing my spirit.

“Robert..” My heart froze and my feet stopped. Robert’s feet stopped, too, and looking into the brown dirt and rocks at my feet I gave up pretending.

“I don’t love you, anymore.”

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