Submitted by Maranda Quinn

'I am made entirely of flaws, stitched together by good intentions.'

Write a poem which begins with this line.

Good Intentions

They often say, “The road to hell

Is paved with good intentions.”

But good intentions stitch my flaws,

Which number more than I can mention.

So must I keep along the path

Intending good but doing naught?

Intending to love my neighbors

As the good book always taught.

Can I change or I am doomed

To continue with good intentions?

Can somebody please save me

With well-timed interventions?

Can you tell me to be faithful?

Can you tell me to be true?

Can you tell me that my flaws

Are not the just deserts that I am due?

For I am sure that fate is not the way

To think about my life

Even though it always seems my flaws

Bring me such stress and strife.

So even though I’m full of flaws

I am going where others strode

I am going to try and listen

To those paving a different road.

I know that I am made of

Flaws stitched with good intentions

But perhaps I can change my ways

With those well-timed interventions.

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