First Place

I could not have possibly waited patiently for this.

I went to the location where it stated on the ticket to claim my reward. I arrived at this awful street where only homeless people lived. I checked my location to make sure it was accurate and it was. It was so strange that this was the place.

I knocked at the building, which seemed very old and broken, and no one answered.

“Uh-hello?” I said with suspicion.

“I’m here to claim my reward. I’m the first place winner from the raffle in Downtown Square Mall? Hello?!” I began panicking when I started to feel a sinister presence.

I began to sprint away and suddenly the door opened on its own.

I knew that it would be extremely stupid to go in. As soon as I began rapidly walking away, I got an anonymous text.

“Hello! It’s Rob from Downtown Square Mall! Excuse the mess of a place! Please come in to claim your reward. I can operate the door from my desk. Please come in”, the text stated.

Could this be true or just a hoax? I cannot possibly fall for this. My head was going in circles trying to decide if I should enter or not.

I received another text.

“Come in now. If you don’t enter in the next few seconds my men will force you in so enter now!”

I began to see two men and I rushed inside.

“Hello there. I’m so glad you decided to come in. Welcome to “First Place”, An old man with a gun said with a sinister look.

“W-what is this” I began to tremble with such fear.

“Every month we host a raffle where we offer one week of vacation to a beautiful island only to arrive here. This is a place of pleasure and you have won ‘First Place, sweetheart.”

In shock, tears kept rolling down my cheeks and I began to hear woman screaming. I began to think if I was in a human trafficking lair but I was wrong. It’s worse.

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