Submitted by Brooklynn
"Every day for a year I’ve been doing this."
Write a story that includes this piece of dialogue
A different me
SNAP. Day over. SNAP. Day over. SNAP. Day over.
I’ve seen people do it. Make videos, millions of hits. When you watch them, you see the disease named Age taking over them, consuming their likeliness.
But it’s mesmerising. Seeing a change from every photo. And yet, I questioned ‘why don’t I do it’
So I did.
217 selfies in, and I know I have a way to go but to see a change in my face from even a month apart, it’s crazy. I look like a different person.
Hairs grown, beard scraggly, eyes tired. I’m the same yet completely different person. I don’t understand it.
Even when I get to photo 365 and think, ‘Everyday for a year I’ve been doing this’, it won’t nearly be enough.