Submitted by Amelia Vanderwalt

A group of teenagers stumble upon something they shouldn't have...

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Wrong Choice

It was 2:50 when the dismissal bell rang. Once it rang the classroom doors swung open and the halls started buzzing with the sound of people. The halls were too crowded to walk through so I took a very big shortcut. I went to the bathroom and opened a window and climbed through it. I went to the front of the school and acted like I didn’t do such a thing. Once I made it to the front of the building I saw my three friends huddled up next to a light pole. I walked to them and said, “Hey guys!”

Sammy answered back “Hey!”

Carl said, “Hey Rayne”

“Hey, Ray!” said Mikey. I smiled at them. “You guys want to hang out at my place today?” Asked Mikey.

“Sure why not,” I agreed.

Everyone got their stuff together and we headed to Mikey’s house. Mikey’s house was so cool to hang out because he had a whole room full of games to play.

One problem about going to his house is that it is a long way. By the time we reached our halfway mark, everyone was already tired from walking.

“We should take the alley to your house Mikey,” Sammy suggested but out of breath.

Everyone looked at each other surprised. We never go down the alleyway because of how scary it is.

“Yeah, this is a long way to your house, Mikey, let's take the alley just this once,” Carl agreed.

Everyone agreed and so did Mikey, so we walked into the alley, and with each step we took the creepier it got. With every noise we heard we jumped. Halfway through we realized this was a bad idea. And there was no turning back now so we continued into the dark alley.

A noise from behind a dumpster was heard so we hid behind garbage bags that were piled up. A deep man’s voice was heard,” Where’s the money I asked for?”

Another unknown man's voice was heard, but it sounded weak. “I’ll get it to you next week, sir”

We stayed silent and watched as they continued.

The other big man replied, “No I’m not giving you any more chances! You’ve had 2 months to get me that money!”

“Please sir I will for sure next week,” said the weak man.

“Give it to me now or else,” the man threatened.

“I said I don’t have it,” the man yelled back.

“ Wrong choice buddy,” the man lifted his shirt and pulled out the gun he had in his pants. A second later he aimed it at the other guy’s chest and pulled the trigger. _BOOM_


Everyone turned around and was in shock and disbelief. Everyone started crying, what were we going to do? Just sit here? I would run but I can’t cause my ears are ringing and I’m scared to move. What if he sees us and we end up like the other guy? I don’t want to die.

Carl whispers, “ We have to get out of here and report this to the police!”

Everyone stared back at him afraid to speak. And by looking into their eyes they don’t want to move cause they’re afraid.

I gain the ability to speak back and say “ Are you crazy? You want us to get killed?”

Carl sighs. “Of course not, we just need to get out of here before we get caught!”

“Okay, what’s your plan, C? “

“Okay super simple, we just run the way we came in and-“ Carl got cut off by Mikey.

“You want us to just skedaddle out of here like nothing happened?”

“Of course not!” I answered for Carl.

“Okay so what’s your genius plan,” Mikey asks.

“Okay so after we run we aren’t going to just leave we are going to report this and then we’ll be on our way back to Mikey’s house”

“But what if he sees us and shoots us before we make it out?”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“ C’mon we are all fast, you think this old guy can aim at four kids running hecka fast,” Carl said.

“I guess not,” Sammy replied.

“But what if we just stay here and wait till he leaves,” Mikey suggested.

“We’ll probably be dead before he leaves!”

I suggest, “What if we wait and see what he does with the body. What if the police think we’re lying and they want proof. So if we know where he put the body we will have evidence to show! As soon as this guy leaves we’ll bolt outta here!”

Everyone agreed to my plan and we waited to see what he did with the body.

“Aye! You punks! get rid of the body now before anyone comes strolling down this damn alley,” the big man states. All of his ‘punks’ get to work. A few get bleach and the others get garbage bags and stuff the body in it. Watching this I feel sick to my stomach.

After they clean up the blood they throw the body behind other trash bags so it blends in. The big guy turns around to us and scans the area, but we duck fast enough to not see us. Once he finishes scanning his surroundings he heads inside and so do his workers. When the door closes we sprint out of the alley and go to the nearest police station.



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