Submitted by The Author
"You'd have to be an absolute fool to believe that!"
Write a story of less than 500 words containing this line.
“He said he could help.” The statement does not bring the relief and gratitude from his partner that he had hoped.
“At what cost?” His partner asks, her frustration seeping through every word.
He shakes his head, confused. “He didn’t want money.”
She looks at him, disbelief clearly painted on her face. “Nothing comes without a price.”
He shrugs, his own irritation rising at his partner’s judgment and lack of trust. “He said he didn’t want anything.”
“You’d have to be an absolute fool to believe that! No one offers their help for free—“
“Well he did!”
“Trust me, he didn’t.” She walks up to him and stops when they are shoulder to shoulder. She turns her head to look at him. “A day will come when he needs you to do something and this is what he will hold over your head to get you to do what he wants.” She says nothing else as she brushes past him and walks out of the room.
He hates when she leaves after she gets the last word. He hates his growing doubt and fears that she might be right even more.