Trees Fall, Roots Don't
As strong winds blow
The strong trees grow
Instead of being ripped from the ground
It's roots hold it, safe and sound
Roots are what grounds trees
Just as our roots ground us
Our experiences grow roots
Our reactions, passions, and satisfactions grow roots
Your personality is your story
But so are your scars
Whether it's nurture or nature
The impact is major
Our roots are who we are
Just as the night has stars
Just as gardens have weeds
Just as our hearts have beats
Learn your roots
Your history, Your bloodline
It all comes into play
Molding your life like clay
Every mark we earn
Every lesson we learn
Shape our roots into their own unique form
The roots that stay strong, even during a storm
Your roots hold you up
They're the strongest parts of you
Don't ever feel like you can't let them show
You have to keep allowing them to grow
Branches might break
Leaves may fall
At some point your tree will die
But your roots will always stay right where they are