
“How was your date?” My friend asked me as I walked in the door.

“Awful, to be honest,” I replied while setting my purse down.

“What happened, Laura?” She questioned. She approached me with an open book in her hand. Another romantic tale that ends in a happy ending, when will I get my happy ending?

“The person hardly talked. Most of the date was nothing but pure silence,” I mumbled. I plopped on the couch to pull out my phone.

“Back on the apps I assume,” she said. I nodded my head. Scrolling left on generic profiles. Ones with fishes, or their “prize” car.

Till I stumbled on one profile that didn’t have a fish or a car. Instead a picture of a peacock. She was standing next to the peacock who had its tail spread out. Colors of blue and green covered the screen I swiped to the next picture, she was sitting in front of a tapestry. It had a beautiful rainbow background which a raven was flying through.

Her description said “Favorite bird: peacock. Fun fact: I have a pet peacock.” I continue scrolling her pictures till I found her in peacock costume. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I set my phone down to grab a glass of water. I’m done with dating for now.

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