
Smiling she leaned back in the chair, “what are you willing to pay for it?” The hooded figure reached for the bag, quickly she swiped it back.

“300 Grelani,” the hooded figure bargained. Cocking her head to the side,” that’s a bit cheap I could get double that across the border.”

“That’s all I have to offer.”

“There’s things beside money you can offer.” She watched the confusion cross his face. She sighed, “you can drop the act Captain,” she said spitting out the last word. The figure pulled his hood back revealing the captain of the kings guard.

“What are you asking for thief?” He asked disdain lacing his words.

The corner of her lip lifted into a smirk, “300 Grelani and you take down the posters so I can enjoy Tamalin without being harassed.”

He pulled a leather purse from his belt, “the posters will come down until you break another law.”

“They will stay down until the first snow, surely the peace of the kingdom is worth that.” He glared at her but agreed. She tossed the bag at him. Surprised he struggled to catch the bag. She swiped the purse and was out in the downpour before he righted himself. Dropping the purse it joined the heavy object in her pocket. To comfort herself she wrapped her hand around the peace diamond, it would take months before the king noticed the fake. By then her work in Tamalin would be finished

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