Empty Pockets

My stomach won’t stop rumbling and gurgling. I haven’t been this hungry in a long time, maybe never. Laying on this bench in the middle of the night looking up at the stars has me wondering how I got here. How did I get here, in this place, this hungry, lost and alone? All I wanted was to help others and I only had good intentions, right? At least I thought I did. Jenny only wanted me to help her with a quick delivery for a new client and then we would go to the movies. That new monster flick is out and we were both excited to see how ridiculous the special effects would be. Her phone pinged for the address and we were off to pick up the package and quickly take it to the destination. No more than 15 minutes, that’s all it should’ve taken, that was three days ago. Now my best friend is missing, my pockets are empty, and my insides are eating themselves. Where did it go wrong? Why did I have to be so curious? I opened the package and in turn, ruined everything. My crazy impulsive actions! When will I ever learn?

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