Write a crime report from a fantasy world using these three words.
Reading the words in the report was almost as gruesome as the crime scene itself. There are some things that you just can’t forget and this… the way that young girl had been found… well that would stay with Lucien until the end of time, would poison his dreams until his last breath. The girls body lay broken, shattered like glass from a fallen chandelier, blood pooling in a circle so big around her that Lucien had contemplated searching for a second body. Her face was still contorted in a scream, her last moments, those of complete terror, showing on every part of her face. Each of her fingers was bent in the wrong direction though they each several of them showed signs of healing, indicating exactly how long she had been tortured for. Lucien was not unaccustomed to bloodshed, but this torture… it stole the air from his lungs. What could this young girl possibly have done to warrant this type of torture, Lucien wondered. No more than twenty five, she could not have been involved in anything too dangerous, he thought to himself. While the underworld was no doubt dangerous, this crossed a line that even the crime syndicate would never dare to cross. This brutal savagery and utter disregard for life was something no mortal would have the stomach for. Maybe that was the missing piece, Lucien gleaned. Maybe it was not so much who the girl was, but rather… rather it was what the girl was…