Capture a conversation between two characters who have a secret history.
Let their dialogue reveal their past relationship without explicitly stating it. Pay attention to body language and unspoken tension.
Globe Thistle Garden was very nice in the spring. I sat on a bench in this garden, in the city of Canaria, watching the grass and tree leaves sway in the breeze. All around me the scents of life wafted. Children ran around, playing tag, and every once in a while, a dog would pass by with its owner. I only wished that my mood could align with the current weather. I looked down and snapped a twig I had been holding.
The sound of my younger sister Hope shouting "Valli! Valli!" made me raise my eyes again.
"What is it?" I asked, plastering on a smile.
"Valli, you know how you are trying to find a babysitter for me?" she asked excitedly. I nodded. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I had been forced to become her legal guardian. I hadn't been prepared to assume all that responsibility, and it had become too taxing. Hope continued speaking.
"Well, today I made a new friend!" She ran off, disappeared behind a tree, and reappeared with a green-haired girl. "This is Raine!"
Upon seeing this girl, my expression reflexively became one of distrust. Raine seemed to have a similar reaction. This only lasted for a second, and soon we were both struggling to smile at each other.
"Hello, I see you've managed to befriend my sister," I greeted her. Her eyes remained locked on mine.
"Yep," she said. Her tone was oddly triumphant. "She seems to want me to be her babysitter. She told me her sister was looking for one. I'd agree to that; I think we would get along well."
"Is that so?" I asked, tilting my head. I glanced at Hope. True to her name, she was looking up at me hopefully. I hesitated.
"So, how much are ya gonna pay me?" Raine crossed her arms, already having made the decision that she was going to be looking after my sister.
"Listen, I don't know if..." I started. Raine put her arm around Hope, who was smiling up at her.
Luckily, I didn't have to finish my sentence, because at that moment, an explosion sounded behind us.