Submitted by HardCoreWriter
Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.
Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.
Beware the War Zone. Wait, It's Just a School
Rory Lockwood was not as bright eyed and bushy tailed as she was when started to make her dreams into reality. As an undergraduate student, she often thought of how worth it the monotonous classes and tedious assignments would be when she finally got the change to teach a class of her own and be the difference she wanted to see in the world.
She wasn't even as spirited as she was on the first day of school, 3 years in to her career as an elementary school teacher. She knew the truth about the profession, but she still held on to the positivity and the lives of the children she could make better.
No. Now at 26 years old, Rory Lockwood was completely and positively jaded. The dream had officially died. Because even though Rory still held the same love for children and teaching that she always had, there was one particular aspect of the job that had ruined it to the point of no return.
"My daughter needs someone to monitor her every time she does a worksheet so the pencil doesn't hurt her. Same thing with lunch; she needs someone to feed her to make sure she doesn't choke.
"I'm sorry Mrs. James, but that is not an accommodation I can make for Lena."
"And why can't you, Miss Lakewell? I don't think it's too much to ask."
"Along with Lena, I have 22 other students I'm responsible for. I simply don't have the capacity to make individual accommodations for every student as one person. Any accommodations will have to be made through administration or the special education team."
"Special Education? What are you saying about my Lena, Miss Lukewarm?"
"Nothing, Mrs. James, it was just a suggestion for where you might be able to get the help you're looking for."
"Help? My Lena is perfect. She doesn't need any help. How could they let someone so evil be around our dear children?"
It took every last bit of poor Miss Lockwood's self restraint to not act on her thoughts and show Mrs. James what evil could truly look like. Although the true evil was letting poor little Lena grow up with the likes of her mother. There was nothing Rory could do about that, though. All she could do was begin to consider alternate career paths in which she never had to interact with another parent ever again and settle on imagining just how evil she could have been to Mrs. James, if only there weren't consequences.