Create a story where a celestial being embarks on a daily journey across the sky to deliver light to the world.

Consider the mythology behind this, and if you want to follow a known deity or create your own character with unique motivations.

The Sun Drivers

As I sit on a cloud, waiting for the sun to make it to me so I can take over my shift, I find my mind wandering to how I got here. When the opportunity for promotion from a basic angel to a Sun Driver, I was ecstatic. Sun Drivers are one of the most respected positions amongst the angelic ranks. Getting to work directly under Helios is also a great honor, as he is by far the most respected deity on the pantheon. Turns out, jobs like this aren't always what they're cracked up to be.

Helios is actually pretty hands off when it comes to the movement of the sun. He only ever steps in for big events, like the occasional Eclipse. The rest of the time, he leaves the grunt work of moving the sun around to us. And grunt work it is. I had more fun playing a harp than I do when I am assigned to driving the chariot. Sure, the job is really important, but it is so incredibly dull. The Solar Steeds that pull the chariot know the route well enough having done it for all of creation, so I all do as a driver is keep an eye out for anything suspicious. And there never is. The last time a demon made an attempt to interfere with the sun's course was over seven millennium ago. Long before I even took the position.

As the sun finally starts to approach, I rise from my seat. This spot above the ocean is chosen for the hand off because it is the only place where the sun isn't visible from any major land masses. That way, if the hand off goes awry, there won't be nearly as many people able to see it. Not that it has ever happened. Nothing remotely interesting ever happens. Even at this distance, I can see the bored expression of the current driver. I wait till he gets closer, before I jump off my perch and glide down to intercept his path.

I land gracefully on the seat next to him. Back when I first started the position, I used to make my entrance with a bit of flare. The tedium beat it out of me though. As he hands me the reigns, in a flat monotone he says "Nothing to report. A full day without incident." Sometimes I wonder why we even bother saying it. If there had been an incident, the entirety of the heavens would know long before it came time for the hand off. "Acknowledged" I reply before he wordlessly flies off, ready to enjoy his break.

With a heavy sigh, I settle into the seat of the chariot. I can feel the heat of the sun behind me as we continue. Not that I can see it, but I'm fairly certain the back of my neck is the most tan part of my body. I check the dials and readings on the panel in front of me, making sure our heading and speed are appropriate for the time of year. As always, all is good. Twenty-four hours. And then back to enjoying my free time.

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