Sanctuary. Elevate. Conscious.

In a story of no more than 10 lines, use these three words in any order. Try not to randomly throw them in, but think about a storyline that allows you to link them all naturally.

Entering The Tomb

They walked slowly into the newly revealed sanctuary, the tomb, where they could now faintly distinguish the outline of a sarcophagus. Lavinia was conscious that her breath was now uncontrollably rapid and shallow. She couldn’t believe it. Had they really found Alexander’s final resting place? The adelrenaline rushed to her head, her body shook as she tried to take a step forward into the inky darkness beyond the torch light, but her legs, which felt boneless, fell from under her: the magic was suffocating. Her vision closed in around her as she fell. His voice yelling for their companion to find something to elevate her head was her distant and dream like as the darkness overtook her.

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