Submitted by EliseKK

Write a short story about a character getting excited to do something that is usually considered mundane.

Describe how the task makes them feel, and hint at why this is so exciting for them.

February 14th

My alarm beeped obnoxiously for the 5th time that morning, and I groggily rolled over on my side to turn it off. I glanced at the date.

February 14th. Valentine's Day.

I immediately sat up in bed. Today is the day!

Today. Is. The. Day.

I hurried out of bed and fumbled to put my socks on, almost losing my balance and tripping over my nightstand.

I'd been waiting months for this day.

He'd be here in less than 45 minutes, so I had to hurry and get ready.

I practically skipped across the room to my closet, where I'd already set out the perfect outfit. It was an adorable blush pink sundress, with white lace-up platforms, and a cute white hair ribbon.

I hadn't dressed up like this in a long time.

Everything about this day had to be perfect. I wouldn't get to see him again until Christmas.

I slipped on the dress and shoes, and stood in the mirror as I tied the ribbon into my long wavy hair. I smiled. I looked like a porcelain doll.

I stood in front of the mirror for a few more moments, just admiring how nice I looked, before snapping back from my daydreams and heading downstairs for some breakfast.

My heels clomped loudly with every step I took down the stairs. I probably woke up everyone in the whole neighborhood.

I'd never been great at walking in heels, so wearing them today, of all the days, was a huge risk. It'd be tragic to break an ankle on the best day of my life.

I grabbed a muffin from the cabinet and took a bite as I sat down.

I checked the time on my phone.

10:50. He'd be here in 10 minutes.

Everyone told Michael and I that we could never make a long distance relationship work. That no couple ever lasts through college.

But today, just like always, we were going to prove them wrong.

I daydreamed as I ate, trying to guess the epic date Michael had planned for us today. I only saw him twice a year, so he always made sure to make our dates unforgettable.

10:55. Five more minutes.

But just as I went to set my phone back down, a text popped up on my Lock Screen.

I smiled to see it was from Michael, but that smile quickly faded as I read the text.

"Hey beautiful! Some plans came up that I can't get out of, so we won't be able to do our date today. I'm sorry.

Love you,


Tears rolled down my face, ruining my mascara, as I whispered,


I should've known this would happen eventually, but I always held on to the hope that we'd be the ones to make it work.

Everyone was right. Long distance relationships never work out. We never even had a chance.

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