A quiet, unassuming librarian has an interesting and unhinged train of thought...

Write this character's internal monologue as they perform their normal, mundane jobs. How do their thoughts fit in around their actions and visible characteristics?

The Thoughts of a Murderer in the Making

Just look at them, going through the shelves, living their normal lives. Why do they have to look this happy? And this perfect? Life isn't perfect. At least not mine... But theirs is. It's unfair. I have to stay in this damn dusty library all day. When was the last time I saw the sun?

No. No, I shouldn't think like that. There are people worse off than me. I shouldn't complain.

Oh, just look at this pair. I bet she's cheating on him. People always have secrets. Especially from their partners. But how should I know? Everybody leaves me either way. I'm alone. Always have been, and always will be... Shit, I'm doing it again. Positive thinking, positive thinking. I'm not alone...

Ugh, and they're kissing. This is unfair. Why? Why do they have what I want? I should wipe it from their faces. No, I shouldn't... Yes, I should. I should peel the grins from their faces... Make sure they would never be able to grin like this again...

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