'Your words wound me deeply, but your silence hurts even more.'

Write a story or poem opening with, or containing, this line.

3, 6, 9

People shun lies, say they’re evil

But they’re the same people who can’t speak the truth

They talk and they talk, not ever knowing who they are

Or what they’re doing.

Fake people, masks that are plastered on so tight you can’t take them off if you try

I’m not quite sure they can take them off, either.

And then you meet them

The person who you don’t even have to wear a veil around

You’re completely yourself

No need to be anyone else because they accept you

They will always accept you

Their love is unconditional

Until it’s not.

There was one condition I didn’t account for

And now I’m stuck questioning everything

Brick by brick, the walls around my heart form

The plaster in between hardening faster than you can try to stop it

The masks pile on in threes, six, nine, too many

I don’t know what to do

People are asking me what’s wrong

Why I’ve changed

They don’t know what happened.

They weren’t there when my heart shattered

I wish he would have said more than he did

We spoke a moment, a few exchanged words

His sounded hollow, unimportant

I tried to convince him to take me back

To remind him who I really am

To tell him I could change…

But instead he just stood there

He stared in shock

Like he couldn’t believe this was me

Even though he _knew _it was me

Didn’t he know that all along?

I didn’t hide myself.

He started to walk away and I wanted to do anything to make him stay but instead all I could say was:

“Your words wound me deeply, but your silence hurts even more.”

He turns around

I think I won him back

But all I see is an expressionless face

One hurt and destroyed

Probably mirroring mine

And he whispers,

“Goodbye, my love.”

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