
You are home.

Home is the warm sand beneath your feet, as it pushes through your toes, the sloshing of the sea as it runs up to you, swirling about your feet and causing a shiver to go up your spine. Home is the warm summer sun, or the winter storms, home is by the sea, where you know your home is.

You stand, as you do every morning. Warm mug of coffee in hand, smelling the rich aroma of the freshly ground coffee beans, the sound and smell of sizzling bacon in the background, the soft popping of eggs as they fry, with the pop of the toaster signalling that the toast is ready for you to slather on the butter and start your day.

But breakfast isn’t the main part of the day, knowing how you like to spend your days off as you open the doors and step out onto the stone steps, feeling the warmth of it burn slightly at your feet as you take in the deep breath of the seaside air. There’s so much, you realise, to take in at once. From the scent of the flowers that are lingering around the edges of the river channels that the sea has made over the years, smelling of the familiar curried scent with their pretty white bloom, mingled with the scent of wet sand and salty sea water, washing about it. It laps idly, running back and forth as though it’s trying to get back home.

The sand is warm beneath your feet, as your toes scrunch up and take in the warmth of it. The sun beating down on it, as the scent of warm sand wafts over you, mingled with the smells of the ice-cream sellers gearing up for their day. The sweet scent wafts over you, as you let out a breath to savour it all, committing it to memory in a brief, brief moment.

But that’s not all that comes to mind as you wonder down to the shore line, with the water rushing in to greet you. The ripples of the white horses dancing about your feet, playing with the sand between your toes. With the fishermen bringing in their haul, the smell of fish, freshly caught and ready for selling, fills your nostrils as you wish them a good morning.

The ocean calls to you, with it’s salty sea breeze, the roaring of the waves as they crash and crest and fall, running along the sandy shore. The mist spraying over you, as you taste the salty sea water, catching droplets on your lips and tongue as you tilt your head up to greet the newly formed waves, to smell the salty sea breeze as you relax.

Here, you can let the ocean wash over you. Here, you can let the sights and sounds and smells of the waves lull you into a relaxing start to the day.

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