Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.
Art Block.
My brain is painfully empty,
So is this scowling sheet of paper;
The walls of art block trapping me in,
With aid terribly far in the distance.
_Think, think,_ I urge myself,
As I close my eyes is quietude,
Trying to be blessed with a brainstorm,
Yet today’s forecast is unclouded.
When that fails, I move on,
Trying to distract myself,
Maybe tomorrow my thoughts will flow,
_Maybe tomorrow…_
But then, it punctures me,
Like a dagger slicing my flesh deep,
Leaving a gash that bleeds out nothingness,
And allows ideas to infect me instead.
Creativity has reawakened in me,
Its consciousness mighty and beautiful,
And I am now able to unload my head,
The paper now joyous, brimming.