Write a story about a retired villain.

What is their life like now, and how might their previous career affect their retirement? You don't have to write about a superhero-style villian; it can be any character with a villianous career.

A Vidisat From Alex

click fizz hiss (screen sharpens) Hello again dear brothers, I thought I would send a videsat message to-my dear friends outside the wall. I know it’s been long-ago since we nattered a bit, but I thought that you might like to hear from your old droog and catch-up on what’s been going-on-up-to and since I last ranted. This time, there’s me, that is, as you know, Alex. But now I have four dibbles that is Nathan, Julie, Kyle and Dee, with my love much time-spend Choodessny, zheena- sharp Kayte. And we live in a domy just outside of City-central. My being ret to the domy I don-do much xept spend raz on the videbox or on the domy-lekkoworkstation , viddying the screen and filling in clapto rabbit declarations, to various prod rabbit owners. Tho’ I have-to say it’s mostly Oozhassny. They who might see me fair-nuff to employ, usually say yarbles in the end. Mostly its silence. This gets me glumly, especially in I am on my oddyknocky. If-i-am on my oddyknoccky, I ret to our priv-room, and put on a disc and then slooshyslooshy to Beethoven’s 9th. I still adore Beethoven, When I-do-this I spend time thinking back to me nadsat days and me-dear old droogs. When I-do think about me droogs, Dim comes to mind. I have to say, Dim is-on me mind a lot-a-lot; for though he was gloopy mozg, he is now Moodge Rozz of the millicent and in a position of power. Together with the Minister-Prime, he spends quite a lot of raz on the videbox, thee’in and thou’in and statin’ that things must be done, “to make Englandy great again”. I have to say brother’s, I thought Dim was dim, but not as dim as that. Seriously brother’s, Dim must really-be shoot dim! He must have a dungy memory as soft as warm maslo! For I rekall-clear how things were. Not like they are now! No-way! Occasionally, one of my dibbles ask me what it was like when I was a dibble or a nadsat. I tend to not say much. (To-be truthful those times are grazzyish and not that dobby.) I do rekall the milkbarplus to them an’ talk about milky chi, but I don’t go much furher than-that; after all, me being older now, I have badrekall, making-me blush-red. Yes, I tend-to think back redly and glumly at being Nadsat…those days when I used to fist and shrive yarbles and the like. If the Dibbles go on, I sigh, and I sometimes say it was a horrorshow and leave it at that. Then Kayte looks at me, for she knows everything, and with her smile, she lifts me and gives me a huge pan-handle! I must say brother’s, getting a panhandle at nearly fifty is a good snitty to say the least! Still… I am wandering off the reason as to why after all these years, I have come back to speak with you. You see, the millicent skyvat the poor lewdies off the streets’ and the videbox lies a lot more than it used to. It’s not like it was when I was a dibble, or a nadsat for that matter; for in-those days the Rozz used to be there an’ stop us dibbles and nadsats from becoming a shaika. They would clop us and crack us and soviet us home. Which, if we were caught, we would-go…if we were caught… Yersee, as you know, as a dibble and then as a nadsat I used to find plush-pleasure in-the ultraviolence. So-much-so that the millicent, the minister-prime, together with the minister of the interior-posterior, did some terrible things to me. But you-know this... then after I was re-cured I changed again! Listen, You know, that I know, that I grew up and found myself being botheringly-bored of all the ultraviolence! You know, that I know, that I changed, preferring lubbilubbing with Kayte which is a buggaty horrorshow, that, it has to be said, and has prod four radostable dibble’s, who are so, so horrorshow, that I really should have nothing to worry about. But…But now, those darkly-plush feelings of ultraviolence are rising again and I don’t know what to do. Well I do-know what to do. I want to oozy the millicent and seabog the Roz in the Yarblie’s and mozg the minister-prime. By I am oddyknocky…and being oddyknocky its difficult… it reminds me of the difficult time from my first cure, then I used to be sick to the point of thinks about the snuff it! I think this new change has come about, because I am now a peeandem and being a peeandem changes things. You-see, I was there when the malenkies came into the world. I viddy into their beautiful glazz viddy and think to-myself that they need learning and a safe dobby doma…more of a nest than a doma really. But then I lookylooky at the world around me and-I-see clatter-schools and clatter-hospitals; and calatter-roads to clatter-shops, in clatter-malls surrounded by clatter-millicents; who will fist you if you don’t pay them the fair poly. Also Poly is so hard to get now. It makes me want-to go-back-to the good old days of the ultraviolence just-to get some snoutie! I would-too, but I gave up cancer’s a long-long time ago, besides cancers are illegal now!an I don't want the dibbles to smot me in the staja. Then there is the nadsats today! When I was a nadsat we used to dig the ultraviolence greatly. So-much-so that the Millicent had not one idea of what to do with us! Nowadays the nadsat grow beardys or dye their hair oldstyle also they talk and talk of bog all-day-long! But it’s not the bog I know! Now, as you know, I had my share of reading the book of Bog. My now dearly gone-gone droog, Charlie, left me his copy of the book of Bog, which I have to say, I read occasionally, so, I know that there is something to it. But these new nadsats, they have even twisted the word of bog! So-much-so, that though they grow beards dye their hair old-style and wear ultra-skinny clothes and such like, or wear their pants so low that others viddy their sharries and think a bit for a bit about the old male inoutinout, which isn’t far from it, its just not what I am into. They also love the goverus! In fact they love the goverus so-much-so that they are all members of the goverus party! Now, you tell me brother’s, where is the sense in that? Where is bog in that! Bog hates the goverus! Everything that bog says on his mount, is opposite to what the goverus say and the goverus do! Yet these new nadsats, they all love the beards and the poly and showing their sharries while they all cheer at the goverus! Its true, dear brother's the nadsats have gone nazzish! They are just a bunch of knopka keeshkat! All dim glazzed and empty! Then -of course- there are the lewdies. I feel… that the goverus has jammiwammed the lewdies. Now brother’s, I know, I am screeching, like the man whose name I forgot…you know the one who wrote “A clockwork Orange” , the one who made me fall from the window after I…well redly there, but brother’s, it’s a fact. Now, You might smeck and say: “Well you had the chance to change it all those years ago, brother and you did precisely nothing…you just thought of yourself! You were a selfish psychopath that would work better in the goverus next to Dim than bring about a revolution. ” to that I say, wellwellwell That brothers, that would be true. But back then I had no dibbles; no kayte; who I lustto inoutinout in sweet libbilubbing, all night long, even at fifty…yersee…things, are bigly-different now! I-am different now! The Minister-Prime, the minister for the posterior and sod-sooma Dim himself come on the Videbox and spout about how the new Goverus is the best thing since the glorysunrise -even though the voterysystem is bent- and how the broken lewdies are not pulling their weight. Yet at the same time, the poly is shrinking in the wash, just as the Millicent start bringing on the heavy Pooshka! Then brothers, then something must be done! You viddy brothers, I don’t expect you to-fully-get-this. I know you, brothers, don’t viddy us in the Englandy that well; not since the minister-Prime built the walls up around the place,. But things here are grazzy! The goverus have prod: tiny buzzies! Tiny, tiny buzzies that polyclef our domy’s at any given opportunity. The buzzies are the Goverus’s new ooko and glazz; they zuzuzz zuzzuzz into our domy’s and glazz and ooko us, while we are doing anything! It’s poogly! A real starry strack! We are in a staja in our very dorma’s! Just last week, while I was on the lekko-workstation filling in more nasty rabbit forms, I had a ring from my dear old droog Pete. You rekall-clear that Pete got married to a choodnessy sharp called Karen. well on the ring He sounded all flip. His goloss was well well gromsky! After a bit he told me that Karen had been pletchoed by the millicent and made a plenny for sharing platties to the broken lewdies! I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know that sharing platties had become a crime, but it was. Then he flipped again and the ring went dead. That night, while I sat watching the videbox, there, big as the screen was my old droog Pete, being arrested for vredding Karen! Well, couldn’t believe it. What-a-world we have now! Liesuponliesuponlies! So Brother’s what do-I-do? Do-I go-back-to ultraviolence or not? I think so, even-tho at my age there’s no fun-to-it. But something needs doing and if the nadsats won’t do it. who will? I leave this in your hands dear brothers as I now consider my future actions. I will be your droog frorever Alex appendix to the text the one thing I loved about the text is the way Burgess penned it, so I have been as faithful as possible to the orignal text. The real key of a good gloss or neoglism is that it sounds as close tothe nown verb or adjective it describes, but also has some changes. Burgess used Russian as a means to create Nadsat so some of the words he used are still used today. In my own version of Nadsat I have made some notable changes; mainly because I didn't find them in the glossery of the original text, bit also because at the time they did not exist , but they came to mind during the draft. For instance I have added group noun for children which is dibble.I have also added videsat which is a video blog from outside the wall that Alex finds himself enclosed in. Clapto which means time consuming or tireing. Videbox, TV, lekky-workstation, computer, Glumly, sad, Glumlyglumly, depressed, Priv, private, botheringly, fed up, redly, embarressed, ret unemployed rekall, remember badrekall a bad memory rising to the surface. Rekall-clear remember things clearly lookylooky really observe, clatter privately run buisness and finally nest or a secure home. The rest follow the original nadsat, here is the list entirely dibbles group nown for children ranted spoke in an aggitated way. videsat secret video blog sent via the dark web from behind the wall. xept except fair nuff easy/employable clapto time consuming Choodensy wonderful Zheena wife Sharp woman snitty amazing dormy house Rax time videbox tv Lekkyworkstation computer ret unemployed / retired retire Viddy see (add suffix) ish 's Rabbit work Prod make Oozhassny terrible Yarbles testicles or bollocks Glumly sad Oddyknocky alone Priv private slooshyslooshy listen peeandem parent's nadsat teenage droog friends gloopy stupid Mozg brain Moodge man / cheif boss millicent group noun police Rozz Policeman Sheika gang clop thump Crack hit Soviet order Plush rich smot grass tell the police Ultraviolence really aggressive behaviour Botheringly fed up lubbilubbing making love buggaty rich Horrorshow good /well Englandy England shoot incredibly grizzled worn out empty lacking identity Dungy excrement maslo margerine /butter Clear see things clearly Grazzy soiled Dobby good Chi tea redly embrarressed fist punch Shrive cut Rekall remember Badrekall bad memories pan handle erection Skyvat pull off Lewdies people Videbox TV oozy chain seabog kick nest secure lookylooky observe Clatter private companies poly money fair poly bribe cancer ciggarettes snoutie tobacco beardy's beards oldstyle, dyed grey hair or shaped in an old way bog god gone-gone dead sahrries pants underwear inoutinout sexual intercourse goverus government goverus party, an ultra right wing government party that seeks to govern without serving the people. similar to Right libertarian and or fascist dictatorship/ police state. nazz fool suffiix (ish) knopcha button keeshkas stomach (both together make button stomach or weak stomached) jammiwammied jam or stuck screeching shouting lustoo sexually pleasing sod fornicator sooma bag glorysunrise brilliant more than brilliant voterysystem the voting system democracy broken disabled Pooshka cannons grazzy soiled buzzies a small bee that can spy on people polclef skeleton key (enter without warning) glazz watch ooko listen poogly frightened starry ancient stack horror staja state prison ring call/ ring phone similarto a mobile. goloss voice flip scared agitated gromsky loud pletchoed shouldered grabbed plenny arrested platties clothing vredding attacking
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