Fortune Teller

There were all kinds of activities with prizes. There was a cake walk but it was all weird cakes that didnt use eggs because of course those were hard to get. Mrs X was all dressed up like a fortune teller and was sitting inside a little makeshift tent made out of a sheet. She had a candle and a big glass paperweight with swirls in it that she was calling her “crystal ball.” She called herself Madame Fortunata and was wearing a lot of black eye make up and wearing a gown and a shawl. She had a tape recorder playing some weird flute music in the background. Even though i knew it was all make believe i felt a little freaked out by the whole thing. The music and the candlelight especially. She told me i was a nice girl with a good heart. She told me she sensed i was struggling with one of my classes at school but that i could get help if i asked for it. (Rusty tutors her?). She told me that she could tell i was a good friend and that i liked animals and that one day i would have a cat and a dog and maybe a rabbit. Elsie screwed up her nose—she told me i should be more patient with my brother and help out more around the house.

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