Inspired by Shadow Queen

'I've created a monster'...

Write a poem that is centred around this line.

Beautiful Art, Broken People

Some of the most

Beautiful art

Comes from the most

Broken people

I want to make beautiful art

But not at the expense of

Being torn to shreds;

I’d prefer it as a consequence

Of something I’ve overcome instead.

Somewhere to organize my emotions-

to express and contain them;

I’ll place them in a combination safe

If not displayed as gems.

I write something exceptionally dark

And can’t believe what has come out of me.

Yet I feel as though I have birthed a monster,

And decorated it with lilies.

Although I hold the pain I grieve

In the same palms

That have handed me a masterpiece,

I regret nothing,

As I use it for my healing;

It is word made light,

brought to you by dark feelings.

(Side note: this was my own work, it fit the prompt and I used it accordingly. I hope you like it ♡)

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