Boxing Day

The idea of boxing day has been lost through time. But with my family it remains the same. On Boxing Day we open some more presents, each one filled to the brim with sweet horrors. As we have a large family, instead of everyone rushing to give everyone their boxes, we all get given one person to give our box to. Like a Secret Santa.

This year I had to gift a box to my mother. She was a short lady, curved spine and long nails. I’m her box I placed a few items: a mouldy apple, rotting finger and a jar of our great grandma’s nails. But I had yet to figure out the missing piece. Although I searched all year round, it wasn’t until 3rd of December that I realised what that missing link was. See I had he rereading some old children’s books and I came across a classic: Alice Through The Looking Glass. While reading a spark was caught in my brain.

“Off with your head!” The book read and I knew what I needed to do. Later that night I went searching through the bins; eventually I found a few rats. After a long night of Tom and Jerry I finally caught one of the rats with a fork. Each tongue gently plunged through the thick skin of the rodent. I ripped off the head with my sweating hands and placed it neatly in the top of my box which I had waiting beside the bins.

The glow that tainted my mothers face this boxing day would be a look I’d never forget.

I haven’t proof read this :)

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