
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.

Sensory Overload

I need to run. I need to fight. I must escape the noise and get to somewhere safe. The noise is getting louder, harder to ignore and I wonder why I am the only one trying to escape. Do they not feel the pain I feel? Needles stabbing into skin, over and over again.

I wish someone would help me. I wish that I felt safe.

A bang across the room; a constant tapping all around interrupted only by a louder droning noise. The noise builds to unbearable heights. The bang again! The tapping! The droning! The bang! The tapping! The droning! I want to shout stop! I want to run away but I know I have to stay. I have no choice.

Another noise, a louder noise. The sound of shouting! Shouting that drowns out the other noises. I breathe a sigh of relief. There is only shouting now. Only one noise and I realise I am shaking. Trembling from head to toe as more needles pierce my skin. I focus on keeping myself still, I don’t want anyone to see my fear. I bite my lip and dig my nails in to my palm fighting the urge to scream and run. Why isn’t anyone else scared?

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