Submitted by Lola

Using the horror or thriller genre, depict a family outing.

Nothing horrifying has to happen in the plot, but use the typical tropes of horror or thriller to misleadingly describe the outing.

A Day at the Beach

Malory trudged a few paces behind her family. The cold wet gravel path pierced through her leather soles and pricked her feet like a dozen pins and needles.

It wasn’t a long walk from the summer house to the beach, but it wasn’t an easy one to traverse wearing a full bustled dress.

“Come along Malory!” Her mother calls as she too struggles in the heat.

The family make their way down a steep slope to the beach, Malory reaches the top as they reach the bottom, but as she’s about to take her first steps down she feels something sharp pierce her back.

She turns her head to look behind her and gasps when she sees the cold empty face of her cousin Richard. She looks over her shoulder to see the knife he’s wielding pressed against her back.

He pushes her forward, each step she hesitates leads to a threat with the knife. Her corset feels like it’s tightening with every step, but she smiles as if nothing is wrong.

When she gets to the bottom of the slope, her family are already in the beach hut changing into their bathing suits. Richard pushes her forward towards the sea.

“What are you …”

“Shut up!” Richard growls as he continues pushing her out into the water.

The waves crash against her ankles as the hem of her dress begins to feel heavier with the weight of the water it’s soaking up.

Malory closes her eyes tight hoping for her family to come save her, but changing is no quick job and the waves can easily swallow a woman in an instant.

When they’re finally changed the family step out onto the sand and look around with a smile, they don’t see Malory anywhere, but they do see Richard smiling and waving them over to him.

“Dicky?” Lady Hart proclaims as her husband steps out in front of her with his hand held out to put space between her and his nephew.

“Pleasant day isn’t it Uncle?” Richard says cheerfully as he steps closer.

“Father what’s going on?” Young Thomas asks poking his head out from behind his mother.

“What are you doing here?” Lord Hart demands in a stern but gentle manner so as not to upset the children.

“It’s just such a lovely day” Richard proclaims slowly edging his way closer as Lord Hart steps back as his family follow his lead.

“And I didn’t want to spend it alone in my cell, so I’ve come to visit my family.”

Lady Hart looks around for Malory, but realises she is nowhere to be seen.

“Malory!” She gasps as Lord Hart snaps his head towards her.

Richard laughs as he steps slightly to the side revealing Malory face down in the water, a flow of red surrounds her.

Richard looks back and realises they’ve noticed her and his smile quickly turns into a scowl before he lunges forward.

Lord Hart blocks his path with his body and the knife goes straight through his chest. Lady Hart grabs her two children and pulls them towards the slope, but stops when she feels the sharp sting of death between her shoulders.

Her hands let go of the twins hands and they scurry up the slope towards their house. Richard stands still for a moment as Lady Hart falls to the ground with a thump and smiles to himself. “Five, four, three, two, one. Ready or not here I come.” He whispers to himself as he takes a step closer to the slope. His bloody glistening in the sun.

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