Submitted by Z
Write a scene where your protagonist betrays the side they’ve been on for years.
This 'side' could be an actual team or group, or an idea or arguement that the character has held for a long time.
Acceptance Denied
(Inspired by Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter)
“How COULD you!?”
HawthornPetal was face to face with his (now formally) best friend, PinePelt. “PinePelt, I’m sorry, but it would be safer for both of us if I go to the rouge pack—“ He was cut off, PinePelt yowling, “We’ve been best friends for longer than I can remember, and now your JOINING the enemy we’ve been fighting for MOONS!?” HawthornPetal looked at his paws. He was ashamed, but he knew it was for the best. He needed to learn info, and if he gets on their good side, he can convince them not to kill off ShadowClan. He knew it would never work, but he was hopeful. PinePelt, on the other hand, was not. “This isn’t helping either of us! Your going to die, and then ShadowClan will go down with you! Your one of our strongest warriors!” His friend cried. “That’s how I’ll live, PinePelt! You have to accept that—“ HawthornPetal tried.
“ACCEPT THAT!?” He yowled. “Well, Acceptance DENIED.”
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