Write a story about a retired villain.

What is their life like now, and how might their previous career affect their retirement? You don't have to write about a superhero-style villian; it can be any character with a villianous career.

I am Sorry

I was a pup just like any other. When you are small, everyone thinks you are cute. They actually care about your feelings. Now, when other animals see you they think that you are bad. Animals are so sensitive especially pigs. They claim to be traumatized because I tried to eat them. I am a reformed wolf and they treat me like a pariah. I tried to apologize but they make it so hard. I went to Pig Eating Anonymous and I am reformed. I am vegan now but they don’t believe me. Even Little Red Ridding Hood is holding a grudge because she claims that I tried to eat her grandma but it wasn’t me. In PEA, I realized that I picked on the pigs because I was bullied. I wanted to feel better about myself so I terrorized the pigs and their families. I talked about this with my sponsor and he understands that this is a difficult process. I even opened up my own company. We build houses for pigs and protect them from other wolves. It doesn’t matter what I do, they will never forgive me. I am really sorry, three little pigs.

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