"The door is locked."
Write a story that includes this piece of speech. Consider if the locked door is keeping someone/thing in or out.
Market Day
“The door is locked.” Tia confirmed from where she had been rattling the door knob. I rolled my eyes.
“Yes, of course it’s locked! What did you expect?!”
“Actually don’t answer that.” I resumed my pacing. “We were arrested because of your- yes it was your fault, Tia, you can’t blame anyone else- because of your shoddy lock-picking skills.”
Tia huffed and resolutely looked away from me. All I wanted was a simple trip to the market, but of course it wasn’t going to bloody happen. We both stayed silent for a few moments.
“What happened to the others?” The thief asked me from her seat against the wall. I was going to snap at her, but actually, she had a point. Two of the other members of our party, Rin and Nico, had split off to check out another section of the market. Which left Morgan. She had been with us, but I had no clue where she had gone. She was a powerful magician with a sadistic sense of humour, but for some reason she still hung around us.
“We may as well make ourselves comfortable.” Tia muttered. “Those assholes took my lock-picking kit.”
“Again, what did you expect?! I thought we were restocking on herbs for Morgan and the next minute you’re trying to break into the Armoury!”
“Ash, I know you’re stupid, but even you must have noticed the enchanted weapons.”
“Honestly, don’t even look at me right now. You got us into this mess and once again,, I got dragged into it.”
I lay down on the ground and tried to make myself comfortable. After several minutes of trying to sleep, I gave up. Jail cells are uncomfortable. I heard someone chuckle.
“You two need a little help?”
I looked up and sure enough, Morgan was grinning through the bars.
“Morgan! How did you know where we-“ Surprise, surprise, she completely ignored me and after unlocking the cell she walked straight over to Tia. The thief took the hand that was offered.
“Did you get the weapons?” She asked. Morgan nodded. Visible confusion from me but the two girls looked like cats that had caught canaries or whatever that saying was.
“Hold on, this was planned?!”
“Well, yeah? I needed a distraction so Tia distracted the guards while I grabbed the enchanted weapons. Pretty simple.”
I sighed and followed the pair out of the cell. Why did I keep getting dragged out with those two? I need new friends.