The Dinner Robbery

“If we pull this off, we’re set for life.” Glenn repeated. This time he was a bit calmer. He must have sensed my disagreement.

“Really? I mean I know it’s a fancy restaurant…but that’s the thing it’s a restaurant.”

“But it’s the nicest restaurant in all of Avris Heights.” This came from Eli. Our getaway driver who sat in the drivers seat.

Glenn tossed that charming smile of his back to Eli. He cleared his throat and grabbed my hands. “Baby. Trust me. The people who eat here are stupid rich. They’re fucking loaded.”

Glenn was glowing with confidence. He had been since Vic told him that he'd take care of the cameras. I, however...was nervous from the beginning. We’d done robberies before. But nothing like this.

“Everything will be fine.” Glenn reassured. He checked his phone. Still waiting for Vic’s confirmation that the cameras were out.

I was getting cold feet. Scratch that, my feet were freezing. I wanted Vic to text and say he botched the cameras. That he wanted us to abort the entire mission.

"Knock it off with the cold feet, Stacy." Eli said. He tossed the ski masks over his shoulders and into the seat between Glenn and I.

I ignored the ski mask and returned my focus to the front door of the restaurant. A well-dressed Asian man, flanked by two other men, approached the front door. His hands in his pockets, the breeze making his hair blow in the night sky. He moved as briskly as the wind that surrounded him. The doorman allowed them to enter with no hesitation and the men vanished into the building.

I wanted to tell them that I was out. Something just wasn't sitting right with me. I was always nervous before a robbery, but this was something entirely different. I felt like I couldn't walk like I couldn't think. Something felt off about the entire plan.

"Alright. So, let's go over the plan." Glenn said with the clap of his hands. "Enter through the back door, make our way through the kitchen, enter the main dining hall. Fire two rounds into the air to get their attention and we go from there."

I forced a smile and nodded. Glenn leaned in and kissed me, gently on the lips. We remained like that for a second, and for that brief second everything felt right.

And then his cell phone vibrated. Glenn pushed away from me and checked his phone.

"Let's move. Vic took care of the cameras."

Eli fired up the car, checked for the incoming cars and sped on into the restaurant's parking lot. Carefully making his way to the building's backdoor. I could see a row of backdoors, each of them leading to various stores and restaurants.

My heart began to race, I could see Glenn putting the mask on off to my left. He pulled out the 9mm from his waistband and did a quick check. I felt his hand close upon mine. So warm, and so comforting. I peered over to him and he flashed me that smile. The smile told me that everything was going to be alright. That this was going to go off without a hitch.

"We got this baby."

I smiled and nodded, I pulled the ski mask over my head. I checked the 9mm at my waist as Eli pulled up to the backdoor.

"Good luck lovers." He said with a smirk.

I stared into Glenn's eyes as we simultaneously pushed the car doors open. I stepped out and felt the night sky brush across my eyes. It sent a vicious shiver down my spine. Glenn jogged around the back of the car, and from there we walked to the backdoor.

Glenn grabbed the doorknob and twisted. Locked which was expected.

Something was wrong. I backed away and scanned the doors along the back of the complex. From behind me, I could hear a distant tapping.

I turned around and saw Eli mouthing something from behind the window. I couldn't quite hear him, but I knew exactly what he was saying.


But my voice was consumed by the sound of Glenn driving his foot into the door. The door rattled viciously in its frame. Glenn gave it two more kicks and on the third try, the door flew inwards on its hinges.

A sea of cigarette smoke poured out from the room, enough to make my eyes water. Glenn turned towards me with a look of sheer horror. We'd made a horrible mistake. His eyes locked with mine, he smiled. That captivating and beautiful smile of his. The one I'd fallen for oh so long ago.

And then I heard the gunshot. Glenn's head snapped to the right, a sea of crimson pouring down towards the pavement. The life in his eyes evaporating into the night sky. I screamed and dropped to the floor, I hurled my body against the wall. The gunshots continued, fireworks tearing into the night sky. I watched as round after round tore their way through Glenn. Rounds to his stomach forced him to keel forwards, rounds to his head caused his head to snap back, rounds to his left and right caused him to jerk sporadically left, then sporadically right, his legs pinwheeling backward.

In the distance, I could hear Eli put the car in drive and speed off.

Glenn's body collapsed a few feet from me. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. It was as though my mind had discarded that ability. My body went rigid. I couldn't scream, I couldn't move.

I was paralyzed by fear.

I couldn't help but stare. Glenn's ski mask was a tattered mess. Both of his eyes were replaced with rigid holes. His nose hung lazily from its foundation. The lips that touched mine just minutes ago, covered in a dark blood.

In the distance, I could hear footsteps. And out of the room came the man I saw from earlier. He peered down at me. I pulled my mask off, tears running down my cheeks. I tried to speak, I tried to plead, but I couldn't.

The man adjusted his suit, his eyes not leaving mine. And then he held his hand out towards mine. Confusion and fear consumed me. I didn't know what to do so I took his hand. The man pulled me to my feet.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I cleared my throat. I couldn't even remember my own damn name. I continued to tremble and I thought I'd collapse at any moment.

The man smiled, and his eyes urged me to get the words out.

"Stacy. Stacy Jensen."

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