
6 years. I had been on my own for 6 years. Dust and sand filled what had once been a beautiful place.

Dry and barren, the earth was empty. The human race, which had already been pushed to breaking point by wars and famine, had perished.

I had been spared. For what reason I don’t know. I had not been a kind of good person, my past was littered with mistakes and I certainly held more than one regret.

But now I was alone, no one else was here to witness my redemption.

I had found shelter in once had once been a busy and hectic underground tube station. Here I was protected from the suns deadly rays. And I drank from the rain water that collected underneath.

Food was harder to come by. While the human race had been snuffed out in a second, many other animals had suffered the same fate.

Not that it mattered. I would have, not so long ago, been made sick at the prospect of killing and eating my own food.

Now I did it to survive.

Wolves prowled close by and I had to be careful I didn’t invoke their wrath.

I had no idea if any other people had survived the mass extinction of our race.

While I was curious to find out, I had no idea where to even start. And was loathed to leave my safe haven.

No I would stay here, even if a few had survived it would only be another mouth to feed after all.

I stood at the mouth of the desolate subway station, looking out.

The land was a desert, what had once been tall skyscrapers now lay crumpled and barren, much like the earth itself.

I would wait til nightfall. I had quickly come to realise that was the best time to hunt for food. And the most dangerous as all the other predictors did as well, but I had to take my chance’s. And hope I didn’t encounter too big a foe.

But for now I waited.

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