More Important Then A Meeting

“Mr. Blackwood.” A voice said waking me from my daydreams. “You said you had the folder with the documents right?” I quickly look around for the file and picks it up when I find it handing it to the girl the voice belongs to.

Once she starts talking again i immediately zone out into thoughts again. I feel like I am forgetting something. Something kinda important but I can’t put my finger on it.

My head shoots up as soon as I remember, my wife! I quickly get up with no words running out of the office and down the hall. Bursting into my wife’s office looking at her as her head is on the desk.

Shit. I left her to long. I slowly walk over and grabs a towel moving it onto her lap and grabs her a change of clothes handing them to her. I walk out of her office grabbing my phone and turns down the volume and breaths out in relief walking back to my meeting.

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