Write a story which contains a character busking.
The busker does not have to be the main character, but their place in the story must make sense.
Busking With A Basket
I began busking 10 years ago and still am busking to this very day
I’ve been busking so long that I remember when happy was synonymous with gay
I am now 40 years old and I still busk in the streets
I I beg and busk at the people’s feet’s
Sometimes my tip basket is full
Sometimes it is empty
But I love all for love there is plenty
I used to write women poetry
But then my love broke up with me
So I convinced a local girl to fall in love with thee
Now I am broke as a California wild fire tree
I have finally saved up enough money from busking
I think I’ll have enough to marry my love
I think I’ll have enough for husking.