If I count the ways I love you...

Write a story or poem that could have this as its title.

10 Reasons

Count every way _I've_ loved _you_

You'll need more than your fingers and toes

Count every way _you've_ loved _me_

The only number that grows is the inches of your nose

You've given me 10 reasons

Not for what you think

_10 reasons to leave you_

Because you're the reason tears leave my eyes when I blink

_10_ missing assignments because you always made me skip.

_9_ times I've rewrote this, to hopefully have it roll off my lips.

_8_ times you've screamed, every decibel I felt my heart break

Please tell me, was it all fake?

_7_ times you've hurt me

_6_ times I let it slide

_5_ fingers to hold

But everytime I tried, all I got was a scold

_4_ new mascaras, I had to buy

For all those times you've made me cry

_3_ words, it felt like you never could say

'I love you' was all it would take me to stay

_2_ people it takes, to make a relationship work

But where were you when I was hard at work

_1_ time I felt loved by you

When you told me our love was 'true'

I see now, what I failed to before

All I was to you, was a chore

Now I know, I deserve so much more

Than to just be another shell on the shore

Count every way I've loved you

It's all I can do

I keep playing back our fights in my head

All of those tears that I've shed

Was it a waste?

All those fears I faced?

I learned so much

Just from your touch

But now it's time to go

I need room to grow

I know it's time, for me to dry my eye

For me to finally say '_goodbye'_

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