In The Gutter

They walk into the gas station, the automated doors sounding a polite ping.

Jerry: Imma take a piss man, be back.

Mark nods and walks to the snacks, he lifts the bag of chips and examines the price: three dollars and twenty-nine cents.

Mark: (whispers) damn.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out forty-five cents. He shakes the change around in his hand, the empty feeling rattling his head.

He takes a glance around and lowers the chips into his pocket.

Jerry: (whispered) The hell you doin? Put that shit back.

Mark jumps slightly, startled by Jerry’s abrupt appearance.

Man: Shut up man.

Mark begins to walk away, Jerry reaches out and grabs marks shoulder.

Jerry: Muthafucka! You. Just. Got. Out!

Mark shrugs him off and continues to walk out.

Jerry: Mark, don’t walk away man.

Mark exits through the door, leaving Jerry alone with the clerk.

Clerk: Everything alright?

Jerry looks at the clerk. Opens his wallet and stares at his last few dollars.

Jerry: Yeah, ring me up on just this... (sighs in frustration) And some chips.

The clerk nods, and takes the man’s money.

Clerk: He’s a bit old to be stealing.

Jerry: You saw?

The clerk nods and hands Jerry his change.

It’s takes Jerry a minute to catch up with Mark.

Jerry: Mark what was that?

Mark: I was hungry... Aint nothin more to it.

Jerry: If your hungry, tell me! You can’t just take whatever you want, you gotta pay for it.

Mark shakes his head and gets close to Jerry’s face.

Mark: With what, huh? (Mark pulls out his change) forty-five cent can’t even pay the laundromat!

Mark throws the change at Jerry, the coins ringing on the ground.

Jerry: Lifting shit that ain’t yours... that’s what got you in there.

Mark: So what!

Jerry: What do you mean ‘so what’? You can’t keep this up! You been stealing your whole life! It’s caught you once and if you keep going it’s gonna catch you again.

Mark throws the bag of chips at Jerry.

Mark: I can’t fix things... I’m too old... (he sighs and sits down in the gutter) too old to change and too broke to do things right.

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