by Sans @

Write a story from the perspective of someone in this image (perhaps we cannot see them, but they're there).
Spaceship R-937440
The story I’m about to tell you is one that I had just lived. This happened not too long ago, this picture was the only thing that survived. If you ask anyone else from Spaceship R-937440, they will tell you completely different stories, everyone has their own perspective of what happened.
It started on day 294 on Spaceship R-937440, everyone was doing their chores like normal and going on with the usual routine. I was doing laundry at the time. The Captain told everyone that we had to have an emergency meeting in the cafeteria, but only a quarter of the people actually went. The Captain waited 10 minutes to make sure that no one else was coming before he told us, but no one else came. Weird, no one misses emergency meetings.
He told us that for the last 72 days, we were being followed by the SPD (Spaceship Police Department). The SPD only follow people for so long for one reason, we had something they wanted. If we didn’t, they would have arrested us 72 days before. The Captain told us he didn’t want to worry anyone when he first noticed them, but it’s been 10 weeks. That’s far too long, he waited two and a half months tell us.
Of course, everyone started panicking and asking what they wanted and why we haven’t given it to them. I knew exactly what they wanted, and why they haven’t arrested us yet. The SPD knew me and my brother were on board. I quickly left the cafeteria to go find him. He was sleeping, I immediately woke him up and told him what was happening. He t9ld me to pack anything essential and meet him in our usual hiding place. We knew of a secret room on the ship, so we made it our hideout.
Once I had gotten a couple things, I headed over there. He was already there waiting for me. He told me we had to make a run for it to the jump pod. We were half way there when the Spaceship R-937440 shook, and lost power. It felt like an earthquake, except on a spaceship. We had no time to get to the jump pod.
We were falling? There was no gravity in space. We shouldn’t be falling. Right?
We were in Earth’s gravitational pull. We were falling down to Earth.
We had a very rough landing. Luckily and unluckily, we landed in a desert. Good that no buildings or people were around. Bad that we were in the middle of no where and no help was around.
Now, here’s when it got really foggy, I don’t remember much else after that. Once we landed and went outside to find anything out, I must have passed out. I don’t remember anything after that besides waking up next to my brother in the SPD spaceship. We had gotten arrested. Neither of us know what happened to Spaceship R-937440 or anyone who was on it with us.