Handsome Jack

Handsome Jack... that psychotic son of a taint. He claims he’s the hero, coming to our planet, calling us bandits. It’s all he’s ever known.

The earthquakes? Where’d you think they come from? It’s those damn eridium drills, sucking at the resources of Pandora.

All for what? The things the Vault Hunters care here for? Fake promises? No. This is something much worse.

Handsome Jack torments us, claiming his diamond pony named butt stallion is chump change, whilst we scrap for crumbs.

He’s not unfamiliar with the Sanctuary crew either. Seducing Moxxi, Tannis, hell even Lilith. He gets what he wants whether he pays you, beats you or kills you.

In his eyes, Handsome Jack is the hero of Hyperion. The hero, of his story.

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