Back Of The Book

Dear Hasan

I am writing you this letter not with my hand but with my eyes. As I am looking down to the paper, the words are appearing by my smart pen. Although I could have just think and my cellphone would have transferred my thoughts into a letter, but I am old fashioned. I always preferred the sound of sketching and the smell of pen and fresh paper. At the same time I am lazy to write it myself. So all this to say this pen is going to write with my constant look on paper and automatically write my words with my own handwriting. I feel this way you will believe it easier as you are my best friend and you know my wierd handwriting. You always had this kindness to write the important assignments for me, although sometimes you stole some of my ideas!

Now those crazy ideas became true! Remember how obsessed I was with time travel. Believe it or not I got stuck in year 2124. I finally found a way to travel through time, but yet haven’t figured how to return. I know you have been missing me for a while. I was working on my travel device for years, and was about to give up. One night I finally found the better source of energy, but still wasn’t sure about how it is going to work. It happened suddenly. When I disappeared I realized horrifyingly that I didn’t let anyone especially my best friend Hasan that I going to test my time device. Maybe because I wasn’t sure if it is going to work, or maybe I wasn’t sure anyone is going to believe me. Including you! Yes you supported all of my crazy ideas, but that was only because of your open heart. I knew deep down that you did not believe in time travel.

Well, today I am happy that I found a way to communicate with you after so many trials. I am not even sure if you get my letter. But I realized that if I write on the back of the same book that I gave you in your birthday, it will appear in the book that you have now in your time. Don’t ask me how I figured it out. I just hope that you pick up this book again. I really hope to hear back from me. Since my arrival in this time, I haven’t been able to to talk to anyone. I got stuck here and don’t know how to get back. Hearing from you would give me a hope. Please right on the back this book.


Your best friend Amanda

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