Your protagonist's health is steadily declining but the doctors keep insisting they are fine.
Write a story from this characters point of view.
Death Nears
She knew they weren’t telling the truth. She was too tired. Too slow. Too weak. It made her angry, being lied to. It made her feel small and helpless. She gritted her teeth as she lay in bed. They had made every effort to make her comfortable. When it has first come on, her and her husband had moved to her brothers property where he had access to the best healers. Her children visited often, bringing her tales of adventures from their travels across the globe. She loved them all. Her eldest daughter was staying with them currently, recovering from giving birth to twins.
A knock sounded at the door, and she looked to see her brother standing there. His black hair peppered with grey, he walked with a slight limp. His usual adornments were absent, and he wore only black pants with a deep blue shirt. He sighed and sunk into a chair opposite her bed.
“Hey,” she greeted him. He nodded without a sound. She picked up a pillow and threw it at him. “Ow!” He protested.
“This is my room,” she told him. “If you’re going to act like a rock just do it in yours.”
“Sorry,” he sighed, sitting up straight. He met her gaze. She was surprised to see tears in his eyes.
“Its bad.” She said softly. The healer had been there a few hours earlier to check on her. But the healer hadn’t told her anything new. Simply assured her everything was fine and she’d take a turn for the better soon.
“No.” Her brother barely got the words out. His voice was thick. “You’re going to be fine.”
“I always knew I wasn’t going to live forever.” She dismissed it, scowling as he still tried to muster up a lie.
The look she gave him as he opened his mouth made him close it again. She was done with the lying.
“Do you need anything? Are you comfortable?”
“I’m fine.” Her husband was bringing the rest of their possessions from their former home to her brothers residence as they spoke. He had been gone for nearly a week now, and should be back any time. He hadn’t wanted to go. That was her first clue that it was worse than the healers said.
Another knock came at the door. They both looked over to see one of her grandchildren being escorted into the room.
“Hello darling,” she patted the blankets beside her as he slowly walked into the room.
“I’ll let you two have some time,” her brother nodded to her and stood, leaving them.
“How are you on this lovely morning?” She asked her grandchild as he clambered up onto the bed and sat beside her.
When he turned to meet her gaze, she saw the sadness in his eyes.
“Do you hurt?” He asked softly. In that moment, he reminded her of another child she had watched grow up. They were so similar, she caught herself wiping her eyes.
“No darling, I’m not in any pain.” She pulled him into a tight hug. When she let go, he was crying.
“But mom said you’re getting worse.”
The honesty hit her like a stone. She nodded. She couldn’t deny it. But looking into his big eyes, she knew what she had to do.
“She’s only saying that because she’s worried. I’ll be better soon, so don’t you worry too. I promise, we’ll go flying and travel across the world together.”
He had always been the most enthralled with the stories she had told her descendants of her younger days. Now his eyes lit up.
“Really?” He asked breathlessly.
“You bet.” She winked at him. “And for your birthday, I’ll take to you my favorite place of all.”
She hadn’t known it was possible, but his eyes got even bigger. “For my birthday?!” He exclaimed excitedly, so loud she was sure others could hear. His birthday was only a month away. She looked down at her shaking hands, then up at him.
“So you’d better be good until then, help you mother with your new siblings and listen to your father,” she reminded him gently.
“I will grandma,” he promised, bowing his head for a moment. They talked for a while, he told her about the newest addition to the family, the twins, and she had to laugh as he mentioned how alike they already looked and confessed he was already mixing them up.
He left the room with a spring in his step, and a smile on his face.
She settled back into bed as exhaustion finally overtook her. When she drifted into sleep, one thought came to mind. Maybe sometimes, lying can be loving. She’d have to admit her worsening condition to him eventually. But for now, she would smile through the pain, and keep his spirits bright.