Unicorns do exist, but they're not the good guys...
To celebrate world unicorn day, write a short story about why we idealise unicorns, even though they're actually evil.
The Rise and Fall of Fantasy
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We only truly discovered unicorns about a century ago now. Some doctor of biology over in Sweden went on an expedition deep into the mountains and forests of Sarektjåkkå. He found groups of them, small packs almost like wolves. The longer he stayed the more he saw but that didn’t make them less rare. In total he found three corporates (the term for a pack of unicorns), however with less than ten in each group the number of unicorns totalled 23. We knew of 23 unicorns in the world. Of course after breeding and such you could find them almost anywhere with a colder climate: the northern regions of Canada, northern parts of Russia , the poles (the location of the original team who bred unicorns), anywhere where it’s cold enough to snow. From the legends we thought unicorns were going to be these peaceful magical creatures, unfortunately magic is still a fantasy. Unicorn’s horns did not posses any characteristic unexplained by science, in fact they were more similar to the materials of the tusks of elephants or horn of a rhinoceros. They were the “narwhals” of horses, though they did tend to have lighter and more colourful coats. No magic was a bummer but the real downside was that their peaceful nature was also a fantasy. Nobody realized at first because they put up a facade, they cooperated with scientist plans and experiments they allowed themselves to be bred. Looking back now they probably wanted humans help to repopulate, to grow. When we examined unicorns we were always looking in the wrong places, the coat, the horn, the outside but never the inside. What we didn’t know was that unicorns could create a toxin in their stomach and insert it into their saliva so when a human was bit or licked by them it went into the blood stream. The toxin was lethal to humans and acted quite quickly. Not long after the breeding team had wrapped up mysterious death surrounding unicorns started to occur. Scientists couldn’t figure out what was wrong until it was too late. It started with a hundred people, then a thousand and slowly grew. A simple bullet didn’t seem to kill a unicorn so human weapons were ineffective. The number continued to grow until it reached millions, about the same time we discovered the toxin. A team of Russian chemists seemed to reverse the toxin, not to create a antidote but to be used to balance the toxin in a unicorn which would kill it. It made fairly quick work of the unicorns and before long they were all gone. No government wanted to risk anything like this happening again so they were all exterminated. In short that’s why there are no more unicorns left on earth, at least that we have recorded but who knows. Maybe the Swedish doctor stopped just a little early in his expedition and there was another corporal just around the corner.
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