Write a story about a morally grey character.
A morally grey character is someone who is neither outright good nor completely evil - but they don't have to be boring! Give your character motivations for both their good and bad behaviours.
Navigating Murky Waters
The first thing you should know is that I'm not some sort of angel who strives to always be a do-gooder. I don't care that my parents named me Veronica after the Saint of Kindness. That's on them. They were practically begging for the universe to make me the way I am by naming me after a saint.
Now, I'm no Satan either, let's be clear. I like to think I land somewhere in the middle in terms of my character. A nice, warm grey area. Not to be confused with Gray, my last name. Yes, I know. Notice the irony and move past it, please.
We have far more important things to deal with.
The next thing I need you to know - and this is where you should start taking notes - is that you must contact Evelyn Harper in the case that I don't return at any point during the mission. She knows everything I know and can help you if something goes amiss.
You'll also want to note that it's only the fourth floor we're targeting today. Don't ask questions. Don't ask about names or what they do. Don't ask anything humanizes them. The less emotions and humanity involved, the better. All you need to know is that you're going into the fourth floor as an IT specialist, but instead of updating the software, you'll download our tracking software and bug the office.
We'll use the information we collect over the course of 10 days in order to carry out the next part of the attack. That's where things get a bit bloody. By which I mean we eliminate them all.
I know what you're thinking. How cold; how callous. Take a step back with me, though. If we successfully see this through, we free all of the Chicago Bay hostages. We can save their lives just like that. And you know what else it'll accomplish? It'll shake up the job market like never before. Thousands of jobs will open up in the aftermath of all of this. Full time jobs available for my brother, your best friend, my niece, and your cousin.
Not so black and white now is it? It's the age old question of which is the lesser evil: The lives of a few or the livelihood of many? We're just the unlucky bastards who got tasked with the follow through this time.
Now don't get me wrong. It's not like I enjoy killing just to kill, but I can get behind a legit reason. There is no price too large to pay for the joy of reuniting families torn apart by monsters. Anything is worth the truly good people in this world succeed. We're helping a greater good here, and I promise that you'll see it that way one day.
Now that we've gotten all of that out of the way, are you ready to get started?