Write a story which begins in a swimming pool.

How does this setting tie in to the rest of the plot?


It was a calm sunny morning, the wispy clouds encircling the sun as if it was Saturn. Sarah lay on her back floating in the still water of the pool, the water licking up at her face occasionally. The quiet sound of her breathing the only noise to be heard.

“SARAH!” Someone yells.

Sarah opens her eyes to the blue sky and sighs, so much for peace and quiet.

The yelling continues, “SARAH, I KNOW YOU HEAR ME!”

All hope of her ignoring her sister disappearing, so she reluctantly swims to the edge of the pool and pulls her self out before replying.

“You don’t have to yell Nadine, my ears do work” She says calmly.

Nadine responds shyly “Sorry, I didn’t think you would hear me with your ears under the water.”

Sarah sighs again and looks at Nadine, “it’s fine, what did you need?”

“Well, mom said she nee-“ Nadine cuts her self off, concern crossing her features as she looks at her sister.

“Have you been crying?” She asks quietly.

Sarah looks away, and reply’s quickly “No, it’s just the chlorine from the pool.”

“I can tell the difference between crying and chlorine in the eyes” Nadine says matter of factly.

“Then why did you ask?” Sarah says annoyed.

Nadine sighs and takes a quick glance at the pool before looking back at her sister, “Sarah, it’s been almost a year. You have to stop doing this to yourself.”

Sarah grabs her towel and starts walking into the house, “I’m not having this conversation, Nadine.”

“If you don’t want to talk to me at least find a therapist you can talk to” Nadine says, following her sister inside.

She continues, with tears beginning to form in her eyes “This is the third time I’ve found you crying from being in the pool. Why must you torment yourself like this?”

“Drop it Nadine” Sarah said through clenched teeth, now looking at her sister “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I will not drop it Sarah, please let me schedule a therapy session for you.” Nadine said, “You have to talk to someone.”

“And tell them what Nadine?” Sarah yelled at her sister, “That I’ve had a great childhood, that I’ve been given every possible opportunity to have a good life, yet I still resent our parents.”

Nadine yelled back “Yes, that’s exactly what you should tell them.”

Sarah laughed mockingly “So that I can seem like a selfish, and ungrateful daughter. No thanks”

“You have every right to feel the way you do, no matter how good our life was growing up” Nadine sighed, “It’s still their neglect that caused this to go unchecked for so long.”

Sarah finally broke down at her sisters words, unable to hold it in any longer.

Nadine walked up to her sister and pulled her in for a hug. Sarah held onto her as she cried, “If we had caught it sooner I could still be swimming, I was so close to making it.”

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