Begin with: Penniless Anywhere in the middle: cockney End with: needless

End of the tracks

Penniless after coming out of prison, Christi had nowhere to go. Her family didn’t want to know her and the same could be said for all her old friends. London seemed as good a place as any for a new start as any. She boarded the train bound for London from Waverley. She found a seat in the crowded carriage , sitting down and watching the outskirts of Edinburgh speed past the window .

She dozed for about an hour before an overły friendly man with a strong cockney accent sat beside her at Manchester, she reckoned she knew everything about him, his ex wife, his kids and his job. The man was obviously beginning to get annoyed at his the lack of reciprocation in the conversation. He proposed they play a game of "need or needless “. The rules were quite easy he assured Christi, he would mention something to her and she would have to respond with need or needless depending on the importance of that thing to her. After the brief explanation he just jumped straight into playing the game, giving her no time to make her excuses.

"Work "

“Need “




"Needless "
