What The  Fire Gave Us 

When the idea had come to her, she hadn’t been eager to see it through. at least, not in the typical sense. there was no joy, no anxiety or stress; just a certainty that this needed to be done, and she was the one to do it. That she had to do it, and so she did. Because this was the only way, she didn’t care about herself only her siblings, and she knew that they wouldn’t be safe if they stayed with him, and so it was done. with a flick of a match and some gasoline their life was forever changed.

Because, later that night,, with her little sister held in one arm and her little brother clutch to her side with the other, Gabby would watch with solemn eyes, the astonishing site of merrily dancing flames as they began to engulf her childhood home. No, Her childhood prison. And she would find peace.

Because they were finally free .

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