Deep Roots
Write a poem about the importance of roots - it could be physical (like a tree) or metaphorical (like a character's upbringing), or a comparison of both!
Growing Roots
I’ve spent years in the past, lacking a foundation
The wind picking me up and battering me against everything in my path
I slam into relationships and friendships alike
I try to plant roots in them
But they are not me.
If every person you meet is a potential friend, you lose yourself further
Not everyone is for each other
The desire to give and please, to be liked, no— admired
Leaves me routinely destroyed by lackluster reactions to my person, to me
Because they do not know me.
Finally, bruised and battered, tumbled across rocky friendships
Boundaries emerge
I begin to set down roots
I learn who I am, and why
Not everyone is for each other
As the wind batters at my limbs, my roots keep me steady
I finally know me.