For Rylee

Plagued by demons and demented thoughts

Suffered pain only she knows

The battle becoming too hard

Being in the dark for too long

Entertaining dark thoughts of herself

The person called shadow queen

The true cause of the suffering

Battling yourself is hard and draining

But some things we can’t fight on our own

I can give you my shoulder to cry on I can write empathic stories and texts I can give you encouragement but only ONE thing can help you

God is the Ultimate demon slayer

Hes asted out demons

Cured many off diseases

Cured many people and preformed many miracles soo many that the Bible couldn’t hold them all

And he’s the same God now today and forever

Iv seen him heal people to this day

People struggling with suicidal thoughts

People who where demon possessed

People who where beyond the help of doctors

The truth is and not many want to hear this

But only God can set you free from these thoughts and demons

For whom the Son sets free is free indeed

God put you here on the earth for a reason

And God will not give up on you

I will neither leave you or forsake you

I am with you till the end of times

Those words are found in the Bible

Rylee if you want to be saved all you have to do is ask God to come into your heart

And that is the best decision you will ever make

I did four years ago and I have never regretted it not once…

And even I had my own battles of struggle and suicidal thoughts

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