Deep Roots

Write a poem about the importance of roots - it could be physical (like a tree) or metaphorical (like a character's upbringing), or a comparison of both!

Half Root

What to do when half your roots keep you alive while the other half poison you? Some roots stretch far to gather widespread nutrients, yet others run right into rock. Do you cut them off? Do you have the power to cut off the very things keeping you tied down? This is your life, these are your roots. You didn’t choose them, but they grow from you nonetheless. Can you make that choice? Can you see the damage for what it is, or are you swayed by what has made you? Maybe you can change them. Help them divert their path, show them the way. Although, what happens if they don’t listen? If they can’t help themselves? Should you really be focused down on your roots when you’re supposed to be growing upward? Change is inevitable, but growth is a choice, and no one can make that decision for you.

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