It is the end of a very eventful school year and you have to give a speech at the prom.

Write a dramatic, exciting speech with interesting anecdotes. What can make this peice of writing stand out?

Too Hot?

I walked up the few steps onto this stage. I can’t seem to shake my nerves. Beads of sweat are going to screw up my million-dollar look. I take the final step and walk towards the mic. Feedback. I gulp as I look under my hand that blocks the bright spotlights. The crowd is huddled together like football players on a football championship game night. Some of the girls, though, look as if they’re leaning in to hear whispers of juicy gossip.

““Never have I ever thought I’d find myself up here, standing on this stage. This year has truly been something, something I never could’ve imagined.” My friends and acquaintances stare me down as I continue, “From the very first day of school when Jack decided to let 4 pigs loose throughout the school each numbered one through five and sent the principal and janitors searching the entire school all day for the third to find out it was all a prank to middle of the first semester-“ There’s a small collective chuckle throughout the crowd.

I didn’t have any idea of where my speech was going. Literally all eyes were on me- this school year has not been anything but insane. Intense. High-strung. Within my next breath, “All of us have had life shoved up our derrière this year, and if you haven’t, well, yes you have.”

“I know this year could’ve been so much better. When we were on Winter Break, our school Hallows Salisbury burnt down. We’ve all lost so much, but look how beautiful everything ended up turning out! We all came together to create this beautiful and unforgettable night! We are all still here and we came together as a community. I am truly so incredibly proud of each and everyone of you for your help and dedication on creating the theme of Smokin’ Hot! Let’s enjoy tonight and light it up!”

The audience claps as roars erupt though the crowd. I guess I could’ve left my speech as the last paragraph.

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