You receive a letter from a parallel world, addressed to your parallel self. It seems they are in danger, and you must help them.

Continue the story.

Letter To Herself


Hi, this letter is weird for me, to write a letter to myself, but your also not my self. I am you, but I live in another universe. In mine we are suffering, the coronavirus runs rampant here, I’m coughing as write this letter and struggling to breathe.

In my universe, Biden did not win the election, Neither did trump, instead a more sinister politician won. His name was Dennis adams and he ceased operation of the vaccine. He outlawed masks, any kind of medicine and hospitals.

Not many of us remain, there are so few of us. I am holed up underground with only my sister and mom. You might be wondering why I am writing to you and what you can do for us?

I know you have doctors, medicine, if you could bring them through to ours, my world might be saved from this ravaging disaster. The way to our world is through the freezer in the grocery store, look behind the shelf with the cookies, touch the wall and it should drag you through to mine.

Please help us, you are our last and only chance. I can only hope this letter makes it’s way to you.


Chelsea (parallel you)

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